Sunday, May 5, 2013

Art Update

Busy month, still getting some drawing in. I just haven't done anything beyond quick sketches in Paper. Still, I like some of them.

I got the Mixer add on to Paper which allows you more flexibility with your colour palette. I think believe I have mentioned before that colouring is one of my underdeveloped skills, the Mixer gave me a chance to work on colour.

Still trying out how to have more consistent movement when using the water brush.

Still working on proportion too. Although I might just prefer cartoony body forms.

Go Sports!

I actually penciled the next drawing first, followed by Ink and colour. The subject of the drawing is Erik Moen from webcomic fame and recently eliminated from the Strip Search reality show.

Erik (don't be sad)

That's it for now. I hope to try more "layered" drawing with autodesk this week.

Till next time.